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Difference Between Information Security and Cyber Security

I have been working the cybersecurity field for many years. I have come across people with different levels of technical knowledge, but very few possess the ability to explain a complex technical concept in simple terms. The funny part is, I have also seen people explaining simple concepts in the most complicated form.

Understanding and correlating is the mother of all knowledge

No technology remains fixed. Technology starts, develops, persists, mutates, stagnates, and declines. With the ever-growing advancement in technology, the amount of time a person spends in understanding the technology is comparatively lower. Gone are the days when children and teenagers would play around with breaking and reassembling toys. Today's children and teenagers spend most of their playtime on gadgets and social media platforms. The ability to break and reassemble things is slowly fading away from the younger generation.

The education pattern in schools and colleges must be upgraded to comply with the technological advancements. More STEM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths ) topics should be incorporated into school curriculum. We are moving towards a future dependent on Machine Learning and AI, Quantum computing, cybersecurity, virtual and augmented reality, and autonomous vehicles. These technological trends have always been developing and evolving into a mature model.

Knowing the basics

I have worked with many CISSPs and CCIEs professionals and I was quite astonished when few of them were not aware of the dark web and the tor network concepts. I totally agree that it is not necessary to know about the dark web to get CISSP or CCIE certified, but it shows the lack of interest these people possess to learn something out of the box. I'm lucky enough to be blessed with a highly technical working culture where I'm able to learn and teach regularly. I often receive speaking opportunities at security conferences and workshops.

Difference Between Information Security and Cyber Security

I have rolled up my sleeves and dug into the many cyber-mess and technical deficiencies in organizations. I'm planning to write article series on topics related to cybersecurity. To start with, let's have a look at the difference between information security and cybersecurity. 


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