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Purpose - WHY? + HOW? = SUCESS

The value of thinking about "WHY"....
Benefits of asking "Why?" will help you in understanding what you are trying to accomplish.
  • It defines success.
  • It creates decision making criteria.
  • It aligns resources.
  • It motivates.
  • It clarifies focus.
  • It expands options.
In order to reach our short term or long term goals, we have to analyze the purpose of the action to be performed.

Purpose defines Success
Lets jump on to the "How" part. Once we have gone through all the stages such as defining goals, aligning resources, clarifying focuses etc. Then comes the implementation. i.e We need to know how those resources and goals can be attained.

We all are familiar with the most brilliant, complex and the creative planner in world: our brain. Knowingly or unknowingly we are in ourselves a planning machine. We are planning when we get dressed, go out for dinner or even talk. Human mind instantaneously plans and organizes actions. 
For example: when we plan to go out to dinner. Our mind will go through the following components randomly
  • Purpose and Principles.
Your intention is your purpose here. Principles create boundaries of the plan. We probably would have thought about the standard of food, service, affordability, convenience and comfort.
  • Outcome Visioning and brainstorming.
Now, we will be thinking regarding: What restaurant can we go to? How can we get there? Is it open tonight? Will it be crowded? Can we reach on time?...These questions creep into the mind once you commit to some outcome that hasn't happened yet. Once you have generated a sufficient amount of ideas and details..
  • Organizing.
i.e, getting ready, finding the restaurant....
our mind will begin to sort priorities and sequence of events/actions.
  • Planning the next actions to be performed.
Focus on the next actions that you need to take to make the first component actually happen.

These components can be mapped to any real world problems irrespective of their complexity. 
This is how i'm planning to get my things done. David Allen's  "Getting Things Done" has helped me in sorting short term and long term goals with purpose and principles. This is my first post and i know its pretty big. But its worthy to share ideas.
David Allen's : Getting Things Done

I primarily wrote this down to map these ideas with my views on health and fitness. I love this saying
There are three types of people in the world: Those who get things done, those who watch things getting done, and those who wonder what's going on....
I wish we all fall in the first category. Keep in mind.....A Healthy mind leads to a healthy body....


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